Keyboard Shortcuts

Use keyboard shortcuts to switch tasks quickly and efficiently.

Digitizer Connection

Feather's keyboard shortcuts are designed for digitizers, pen tablets, and pen displays that do not support touch.


ActionsKey 1Key 2Pen
RotateSpacebarMouse 1
ZoomDMouse 1
PanFMouse 1
Perfect ViewSpacebarx2
Change FOVTabMouse 1
Switch ViewTabx2


ActionsKey 1Key 2Note
DrawBPressing once more will switch
EraseEPressing once more will switch
Toggle MirrorShiftX
Hide UIU
Brush ShpaeShiftB
Brush Opacity1~0
Brush Radius[ , ]Alt / Opt+:1, Shift+:10
Adjust Opacity- , =Alt / Opt+:1, Shift+:10
DeleteBackspace / Del
Close 3D GuideEsc
Bend 3D GuideCtrl / CmdB
Duplicate by centerShift + Ctrl / CmdD
Duplicate by MirrorShift + Alt / OptD
SaveCtrl / CmdS
UndoCtrl / CmdZ
RedoCtrl / Cmd + ShiftZ