Select and Deselect

Select and Deselect

Learn how to select and deselect curves or objects.


Select curves, 3D guides, and imported resources.


Drag to Select Curve

Tap Select in the tool menu, then drag with your pen to select. Selected curves are highlighted in green. After selecting, you can duplicate, transform, import to a group, and more.


Press and Hold to Select Resource

To select 3D guides or imported resources, press and hold with your pen. Selected resources are highlighted in green. You can transform selected resources.

Learn more about Transform.


Deselect selected curves or resources.


Drag to Deselect

Tap Select in the tool menu again to switch to Deselect, then drag with your pen to deselect. Deselected curves return to their original color.


Press and Hold to Deselect Resource

To deselect a selected resource, use the same method. Switch to Deselect, then press and hold with your pen to deselect.


Tap Another Tool to Escape

To cancel selection all at once, tap another tool. Tap Draw or Erase to escape.

Select Options

Here are various functions available after selecting. Knowing these will make your work easier.


Change Brush Properties After Select

It doesn't have to stay the way it was first drawn. Change it whenever you want.

With a curve selected, adjust various properties in the Brush Panel. You can change the brush type, color, size, and opacity. For more details, check the Brush Panel.


Isolate by 3D Guide

Define areas you don’t want to select or deselect. Another way to use 3D Guides.

Cover the curves you don’t want to select with a 3D Guide. The Select tool will not select curves within the guide. This is helpful for distinguishing between areas you want to keep and select. It also works for erasing; isolated areas by the 3D guide cannot be erased.

Learn more about Erase.


Select in Stage Panel

You can also select and deselect in the Stage Panel. Select or Deselect curves in the Group Tap and resources in the Resource Tap.

Learn more about Stage Panel.