Environment Tab

Learn about the Environment Tab and how to control various options.


Skillfully manage overlays that guide your drawing and serve as markers for your next sketch.


Global Axis

Toggle the Global Axis from the top left of the Environment Tab. The Global Axis is displayed as red, green, and blue lines representing the XYZ axes. By default, visibility is off but can be toggled on or off here.



Toggle the Grid from the top right. The Grid is a set of reference lines marking the floor of Feather’s note. One grid unit is 1000mm. Sketches that extend too far outside the grid may not be visible. The focal length is 100m.


The overall appearance of your artwork is as important as the details. Use the following settings to change the ambiance, atmosphere, and mood.


Background Color

Change the background color from the bottom left. The selected background color is also used for fog color. The background color can be sampled using the Eyedropper tool.

Learn more about Eyedropper.


Background Image

Tap the icon next to the active background color to import a background image. The imported image replaces the background color and does not move when you rotate or pan the view. The imported background image does not affect the fog color.



Toggle fog from the bottom right. Fog is a type of volumetric that gets denser with distance from the view. The fog color follows the background color. When fog visibility is off, the original colors of the curves are visible.