Blender for Feather

Blender for Feather


'Blender for Feather' helps you handle artworks created in Feather more conveniently within Blender.

You can find add-on in the right sidebar of the Blender viewport panel. If the sidebar is not visible, press 'N' on your keyboard or click the arrow icon in the top right corner.

Supports Blender versions 3.0 or higher (verified up to version 4.2.0 LTS).


'Blender for Feather' only works correctly when you imported feather artworks by OBJ file.


The file you need to download differs for Blender 3.x and 4.x versions.

Join Curves

Joins curves into a single object based on criteria.

  • Group : Join curves by group.
  • Material : Join curves by their color.
  • All : Join curves into one object.

Decimate Curves

Optimizes the selected curves for better performance.

  • Collapse: Optimizes by reducing the number of unnecessary vertices.
  • Planar: Optimizes by reducing faces that do not form enough angles with each other.

Collpase is useful in most cases, while planar is useful for curves drawn flat.

Remesh Curves

Converts the selected curves into a manifold mesh.

  • Voxel size : Sets the unit size for remeshing. Lower values result in higher detail but take more time.

Remeshing makes artworks created in Feather easier to print with a 3D printer.

Correct Colors

Adjusts the colors of the selected curves.

  • Brighten: Lightens the colors of the selected curves.
  • Darken: Darkens the colors of the selected curves.

Use this if the colors appear differently between Blender and Feather.

Change Alpha Mode

Changes the transparency rendering method of the selected curves. Each click toggles between the alpha blend and alpha hashed modes.

Alpha blend provides a cleaner appearance but may not render transparency as expected. Alpha hashed renders transparency as expected but can introduce noise.

Switch Diffuse Color and Emission Color

The first click removes the shading by setting the emission instead of diffuse for the selected curves. Clicking again restores the shading to its original state.

Click once to view the curves in the same way as seen in Feather.

Extract Curves

Extracts the centerline of the curve geometry.

This feature is useful for integrating Feather with other Blender features like Grease Pencil and Geometry Nodes.


Extract Curves does not function properly if decimate or remesh has been applied.