
Explore the basic layout and learn about the functions of each area.


The note page layout is divided into three main parts. Explore each section to see what features they offer.


System Menu (top left)

1. Home

Returns to the home screen.

2. Open System Menu

Opens the system menu list.

Tool Menu (top right)

3. Draw and Draw Shape

Draws 3D guides or curves. You can draw freely or draw straight lines or shapes. Switches with each tap.

4. Erase and Vacuum

Erases with the brush. You can erase partially or remove an entire curve at once. Switches with each tap.

5. Select and Deselect

Selects curves or 3D guides.

6. Mirror

Turns the mirror on or off, allowing you to draw symmetrically.

7. Clipboard

Opens the clipboard where you can add image references.

8. Stage Panel

Opens the stage panel where you can access the group tab, resource tab, and environment tab.

Sidebar Menu (left side)

9. Brush Panel

A panel for various brush settings.

Learn more about the Brush Panel.

10. History Panel

A panel with undo and redo functions to revert your work.

Bottom Context Menu (bottom center)

11. 3D Guide Tap

Provides various menus for the 3D guide based on the context. When using other functions, a context menu with various options for that function will appear.

Learn more about 3D Guide.



Capture Thumbnail

Preserve a beautiful scene as a thumbnail.

Enter the File Menu from the System Menu. Tap the Capture thumbnail to set the current view as your thumbnail.


Hide Interface

No distractions needed. Continue working with the interface hidden.

Enter the View Menu from the System Menu. Tap on "Hide UI" to hide the interface. To bring the interface back, simply tap the "Hide UI" icon located at the bottom left corner of the screen.


Dark Mode

When the world is asleep, creativity shines brighter, and thoughts become sharper. Continue your creations without interruption with Dark Mode.

Enter the Control Menu from the System Menu. Tap on 'Dark Mode' to enable the dark mode interface.


Language Setting

You can change the language in the app settings on your iPad. Please note that changing the language will restart the app.


Cursor Setting

Easily see where your pen and touch are pointing.

In the app settings on your iPad, tap on "Cursor Settings". "Show Touch Cursor" displays a cursor whenever you touch the screen, and you can customize its color. "Show Pen Cursor" activates the pen cursor, which can also be customized. If you have an M2 chip or later, you can enable the hovering option.