Getting Started

Getting Started

Is it your first time using Feather? Don’t worry. You’ll get the hang of it in no time. Here’s a guide just for beginners.

Download and Install

Feather is currently available only on iPad.


Visit iPad App Store

Search for Feather on the iPad App Store and download it. iPad App Store (opens in a new tab).


Supports iPad OS 16 or higher. Compatible with iPad Pro 11 (Gen 2 and higher), iPad Pro 12.9 (Gen 4 and higher), iPad Air (Gen 4 and higher), and iPad Mini (Gen 6 and higher). Ensure that iPad OS and Safari are always up to date.

For Android/PC support, please refer to the following article (opens in a new tab).

Learn and Explore

Discover how to use Feather through various learning resources.


Official YouTube Channel

Learn by watching tutorials. If you're new to Feather, we recommend starting with the Basic Tutorial series. Don't forget to stay updated on events and updates through the channel.

Visit YouTube Channel (opens in a new tab).

Feather Gallery

Explore others' creations and get inspired. You can also share your work and see how others react.

Visit Feather Gallery (opens in a new tab).

Connect and Communicate

Engage with other Feather users and share your creations and experiences.


Communicate with Other Users

Join the official Discord to connect with other Feather users. Learn tips, share experiences, and grow the community together. Request features and collaborate to make Feather the ultimate tool.

Visit Discord Channel (opens in a new tab).


Official SNS

Check out the latest updates and creations on our social media. Follow the stories to see what's happening behind the scenes at Feather Team.

Visit Instagram (opens in a new tab).

Contact Us

If your team or studio is considering adopting Feather, feel free to reach out to us at the email below.