
Move around the canvas and reach your desired location with ease.

Basic Navigation

Rotate your canvas, zoom, pan and change the viewing angle at your fingertips.


Swipe to Rotate

Start your work by rotating the canvas like a turntable.

Place your finger on the canvas and swipe to rotate.


Double Tap to Perfect View

Align your view precisely for detailed drawing.

Swipe to rotate the canvas to your desired angle, then double-tap with one finger to snap to a standard orthographic view like Left, Right, Front, Back, Top and Bottom.


Pinch to Zoom

Use a pinch to zoom in and out of your 3D artwork to move form fine details to the big picture.

Place your fingers on the canvas and pinch your fingers together to zoom out. Pinch your fingers apart to zoom in.


Pinch-Swipe to Pan

Swipe to pan and freely navigate your canvas. Quickly move to any position you want.

Place two fingers on the canvas and swipe them together to pan.

Advanced Navigation

Adjust the field of view (FOV) to navigate around your chosen focus. And set the orbit point, allowing precise control and effortless movement across the canvas.


Three-Finger Double Tap to Switch Views

Switch between perspective and orthographic views quickly.

Double-tap with three fingers from your desired angle to switch between perspective and orthographic views.


Three-Finger Swipe to Change FOV

Adjust the filed of view (FOV) to find your perfect shots.

Place your three fingers on the canvas and swipe up to increase the field of view (FOV) or swipe down to reduce it. The FOV can be adjusted from 10mm to 500mm.


Tap and Hold to Set Orbit Point

Use the pin orbit point to change the navigation center.

Tap and hold on a curve or grid to pin the orbit point. Tap and hold in empty space to unpin the orbit point. If the orbit point is not pinned, tap and hold in empty space to reset the view.

The orbit point also functions as a focus point for Depth of Field (DOF). Learn more about Depth of Filed.

Oribit Point Options

Toggle the Orbit Point on or off.


Enable the Pin orbit point option to pin the orbit point. Use the Show orbit point option to toggle the visibility of the orbit point on or off.