
Explore the basic layout and learn how to use the Select.


The selection feature is comprised of the tool menu for accessing functions, an overlay interface that appears when selecting curves or objects, and a bottom context menu for various actions.


1. Select / Deselect

Toggle between selecting and deselecting. Switches with each tap.

2. Selected Objects

Selected curves or objects are highlighted in green.

3. Selected Groups

Groups containing selected curves or objects are highlighted in green. If only part of the group is selected, it appears in a lighter green.

Learn more about Group Tab.

4. Transform

Transforms the selected curves using the joystick.

5. Liquify

Deforms the selected curves using Liquify.

6. Duplicate

Duplicate the selected curves or objects.

7. Duplicate Symmetrically by View

Duplicate selected curves or objects symmetrically based on the view center.

8. Duplicate Symmetrically by Mirror

Duplicate selected curves or objects symmetrically based on the active Mirror.

9. Delete

Instantly delete the selected curves or objects.

10. Joystick

The Joystick is Feather's unique transform system for moving or modifying selected curves or objects.

Learn more about Joystick.