
Explore the basic layout and learn how to use the 3D Guide.


The 3D Guide is a translucent surface where you can draw curves.


1. 3D Guide

The 3D Guide can be flat or curved, depending on how it is created, and has grid-like section lines on its surface. One side has an orange line, indicating the starting point when the 3D guide was created.

You can draw curves on both sides of the 3D guide, and curves hidden by the 3D guide cannot be selected.

Learn more about Select.

2. Bend 3D Guide

The created 3D Guide can be bent to more curved surfaces.

Learn more about Bend 3D Guide.

3. Close Button

Tap the Close Button to remove the 3D Guide. This action can be undone. Also, tap and slide the close button to adjust the opacity.

4. Resource Tab

The 3D Guide is managed in the Resource Tab of the Stage Panel.

Control 3D Guide

Move or adjust the opacity of the created 3D Guide.


Tap and Slide to Adjust Opacity

Continue creating without being hindered by 3D Guide.

Tap the close button and then slide left or right to adjust the opacity of 3D Guide. Sliding left decreases the opacity, and sliding right increases it. The opacity of 3D Guide can be reduced to 0%, but it cannot be made completely opaque.


Long Press 3D Guide to Select

Select the 3D Guides using the Select tool.

Tap the arrow icon in the top right tool menu and then long press on the 3D guide with your pen. The 3D guide will turn translucent green when selected. Alternatively, you can select it by tapping and holding the Surface in the Resources Tab.

Learn more about Select.

The selected 3D guide can be moved, scaled, or rotated using the Joystick.