Realese Notes
Beta Service

Feather Beta Release Note


update date: september 6, 2022

Sign in

  • Added Apple Sign-in option.
  • Introduced a streamlined registration process that includes essential information such as nickname and terms of service agreement, along with a survey.
  • Implemented the registration process in a dialog format integrated within existing pages, specifically within the signIn and tutorial sections.
  • Enabled user profile updates including nickname, profile picture, and marketing and push notification preferences.


update date: August 11, 2022


  • Design renewed
  • Folder and Note sections divided
  • Create folder button replaced
  • Select Note/Folder with long press
  • Note can be sorted by Alphabetical, Last created, Last modified

Bug fix

  • Fixed bug where input would be interrupted when the pen passed over the UI while drawing.
  • Fixed bug where the color adjustment slider controller was unresponsive to touch on Android and other browsers.
  • Modified to change fog effect color along with the background color.
  • Minor usability improvements and bugs fixed.


update date: July 14, 2022


  • Three-finger double tap for orth ↔ persp camera transition.
  • Improved orth ↔ persp transition.
  • Added momentum to camera rotation movement.


  • Supports undo and redo for stroke attribute change.
  • Supports undo and redo for add/delete group.
  • Supports undo and redo for curve copy undo/redo.


  • Add 2D joystick for rotate, move, scale.


  • OBJ import has been moved to the hamburger menu under "Other".
  • OBJ import is now accessed via the + button.
  • Environment settings have been moved to the hamburger menu under "Other".
  • Support button position changed
  • Some UI changed

Bug fix

  • Fixed bug where eraser did not erase as displayed.
  • Fixed bug where background color changes were not applied correctly.
  • Made selection tool toggle when selection is reverted in history.
  • Fixed bug where curves and grid close to the camera were not rendered in orthographic camera mode.
  • Fixed bug where button states did not match the current status.
  • Fixed bug where animation did not match the final state after double-tap.


update date: May 17, 2022


  • Improved performance by updated curve drawing logic. Selection is faster, vacuum tool speed improved, and minor improvements to the regular eraser.
  • Prevented curves behind planes from being erased or selected. 3D guide can now be used as a filter.
  • Fixed color discrepancies by in Blender when exporting OBJ files.
  • Changed to deselect groups after importing them into another group. Modified to deselect all curves during thumbnail capture, exiting notes, and creating GIFs.


  • Enabled deselecting some curves while multiple groups are selected.
  • Added feedback message indicating how many curves were moved when transferring curves to another group.
  • Updated functionality to support undo/redo for curve selection.
  • Updated functionality to support undo/redo for move, rotate, and scale actions.

Bug fix

  • Fixed bug preventing sign-up through Google.
  • Fixed bug where curves would gradually disappear in real-time preview if they were too long.
  • Fixed bug ensuring group order is preserved when copying large notes.
  • Minor usability improvements and bugs fixed.


update date: Faburary 11, 2022


  • Now Stroke is visualized in real-time so that user can check stroke immediately as they draw.

3D guide

  • Select the 3D guide by long-press and controll with joystick

Import curves

  • Fixed an issue where only certain group's lines were moved when selecting drawings from multiple groups and placing them into another group.


  • Improve for small size stroke reducing excessive effect.
  • Excluded effect from meshes and OBJ files.

Spoid tool

  • Corrected spoid tool issue where switching views would disable functionality and misrepresent color selection in the color palette.
  • Resolved incorrect placement of nearly straight planes in non-perspective mode.

Bug fix

  • Fix thumbnail capture perspective changes when exiting notes in non-perspective mode.
  • Fixed issue where curves drawn in mirror mode disappeared upon deselection.
  • Corrected page exit when copying groups on tutorial note.
  • Minor usability improvements and bugs fixed.


update date: January 14, 2022

  • Bugs fixed within using the software and UI.


update date: December 29, 2021


  • View your 3D drawings by AR Go to see more in detail.

Bug fix

  • Fix bug of ‘undo’ and/or ‘redo’ about 3D guide


update date: October 12, 2021

  • Minor usability improvements and bugs fixed.


update date: October 6, 2021

Select and deselect

  • Optimized Select / Deselect feature for improved speed and functionality.


  • Fixed a bug that caused the saved thumbnail image to change to an auto-saved thumbnail image created at the last moment you leave the note.

Bug fix

  • Fixed a bug that caused a problem while using the brush panel slider.
  • Fixed a bug that was caused while the user turned off the UI buttons.
  • Fixed a bug that was caused when the user was changing the name of the note.
  • Other minor bugs were fixed.


update date: september 16, 2021

  • Feather website and software domain address has changed.


update date: september 6, 2021

  • Minor usability improvements and bugs fixed.


update date: september 1, 2021

  • Add tutuorial page
  • Add Install page