Resource Tab

Learn about the Resource Tab and import resources you want to use.

Import Resource

You don't always have to start from scratch. Import images or 3D objects for reference.


Tap Import to Add Resource

Tap Import in the Resource Tab or tap Add New Image or 3D Model to add resources. Add images from the photo library, capture new images if your device has a camera, or tap Choose File to import a 3D model. Currently, only OBJ format is supported.


Import Image

Images are always imported perpendicular to the view direction. If you want to import an image in a specific direction or position, align the view properly or import from a perfect view. Currently, only two images can be imported per note.


Import 3D Model

3D models are imported at the center of the grid. If the model isn't visible, its scale may be too large or too small. Adjust the scale of the model before importing.


3D Guide

3D Guides cannot be imported from the Resource Tab but must be drawn. Once added, they can be viewed in the Resource Tab and are labeled as "Surface." Only one 3D Guide can be added per note.

Learn more about 3D Guide.

Manage Resource

Manage your added resources. Delete unnecessary resources and change visibility.


Tap and Hold to Select Resource

Tap and hold the resource you want to select in the Resource Tab. Selected resources are highlighted in green. You can select 3D Guides, images, and 3D models.

Delete Resource

With the resource selected, tap the trash can to delete it. Multiple resources can be selected and deleted at once.


Draw on Resource

Feather allows you to draw directly on any resource. Effectively choose which resource to draw on.

Tap the small cube to the right of the imported resource to toggle its visibility or active state. When the top of the cube is filled in black, you can draw curves on that resource. If any resource is active, you cannot draw or loft a new 3D Guide.


Resource Visibility On

Tap the active resource's cube again to change it to an unfilled cube. The resource is visible but inactive, so you cannot draw on it. If there is no active 3D Guide, you can draw or loft one.


Resource Visibility Off

Tap the cube again when the resource is visible to change it to a dashed outline. The resource is neither visible nor drawable.


Adjust Opacity of Imported Image

With the imported image selected, adjust its opacity using the slider in the Brush Panel. Be careful not to get confused as you can still draw on the resource even when it is completely transparent.